What are the benefits of outsourcing labour hire?
Find out how enlisting the help of a labour hire firm can help simplify the often long and expensive undertaking of hiring new workers. With labour hire, you'll be well on your way to optimising your business operations in a number of ways.
Save money and time
Discovering competent individuals with the right skill takes a lot of time and patience. Plus, there is no guarantee that after investing time into candidate screening, interviewing, inductions and training that you'll actually get the right candidate, the Australian Business Times stated. However, labour hire firms have experts who handle the whole process; they interview the applicants and select them for you. A lot of the time, a labour hire company has even pre-screened workers who are qualified and have the right experience to use particular kinds of equipment.
As a result, managers can reduce downtime; they gain a new worker while the recruitment agency covers administration.
Outsourcing administration also means that companies can eliminate payroll, insurance and additional business costs. Check out Flexi Personnel's breakdown of the overall costs of outsourcing your labour hire:

Enhanced flexibility
The Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (RCSA) explained how labour hire firms can give companies more flexibility in the following ways:
- The ability to meet peaks in demand and plan for any type of workforce you need for a specific project.
- The option to cover sick or holiday leave
- The opportunity to manage special projects. (This is especially useful for companies where production is cyclical.)
- The choice to call on the labour hire agency when needed, even if it's a one-off assignment
- A greater pool of skills to draw from. Labour hire workers can provide a company with skills that their permanent employees may not possess, according to the Australian Business Times.
Access to more services
Labour hire agencies can also offer the full HR service.
Labour hire agencies often not only organise and pay the workers that you need for however long you need them for, but they can also offer the full HR service. For example, they could interview candidates, call references and perform background checks. They may also cover pay, holiday time and time sheets. Plus, labour hire firms manage key areas of expertise such as OHS.
Discover how you can get all of these benefits by using Flexi Personnel's labour hire services. Contact us today so that we can begin guiding your labour hire practices and simplifying your business operations.