This Valentine’s Day will you find your one true … employee?
With Valentine's Day only a few weeks away, you might be starting to think about building some new relationships – maybe romantic, or maybe professional. The process of finding the right candidate bears a lot of similarity to the process of finding a significant other. In both cases there's a lot of pressure to make the right judgements early on, and you need to predict what someone will be like in the long-term based on a brief, high-pressure meeting.
With both dating and recruitment, there can be a feeling that the process is too hard, and that you're not equipped to make these judgements yourself. But this is where the two differ – it's a lot easier to outsource your recruitment than it is your love life.
Candidate screening is basically like a first date – even worse, a blind date.
The business of relationships
As the Institute of Recruitment Professionals says, "recruitment is about relationships." It's about getting to know someone and what they have to offer, and understanding how this will tie in with what you need. Candidate screening is basically like a first date – even worse, a blind date. You have the length of a meal (or a half-hour interview) not only to get to know someone's personality, but also to predict what it means for your future relationship. How do their answers to your questions today signal their behaviour in a year's time?

A relationship is more than day one
Valentine's Day might be a big deal to you, but it's how your partner treats you every other day of the year that really defines your relationship. Likewise, your new recruit's performance will be measured over their entire time with your company, not just the initial introductions.
This ability to predict an entire relationship based on an initial meeting is a skill that comes mainly from experience. But there's a limit to how many dates one person can have, or how many hires a company can go through. This is why it makes sense to take advantage of a professional's extensive time in the field.
Flexi Personnel are experienced with every step of the recruitment process, and we're happy to share that experience and understanding to help businesses looking to outsource some or all of their recruitment process.
We won't speculate on whether your next date will lead to delight or divorce, but we've got a good eye for potential candidates who'll be an ideal fit for your business. Get in touch today to discuss how we can help your business find its perfect match.