5 Hiring Tips for Businesses During a Pandemic
While many businesses are experiencing a significant downturn due to COVID-19, many others are growing (healthcare, for example) and need to implement strategies to attract the right candidates in a virtual way.
For many companies, the process of shortlisting candidates, interviewing, making offers and then on-boarding, all in a virtual way can be overwhelming and confronting. Here are some recommendations on how to hire effectively during a pandemic and ensure your candidates have a positive experience joining your company.
Here are 5 hiring tips for businesses during a pandemic:
- Make sure that you communicate the role and the company accurately
Companies are becoming more adept at employer branding. Vendors like Video my Job enable companies to provide candidates with an understanding of what the job, the company and the culture is like before applying for the role. These types of technologies enable companies to step up the way they market their culture and values.
- Consider your on-boarding experience
Employers need to consider how employees will find the first few days and weeks when they commence work for your organisation. There are many ways that employers can build a virtual on-boarding experience that enables employees to feel welcomed, included and valued during the important first few weeks in their new role.
- Focus on employee well-being
It’s important to be mindful of the well-being of employees (existing and new) and to focus on them as people first and employees second. To this end, the employee experience of application, shortlisting, interviewing, offer and on-boarding needs to focus on the best interests of the employees. In the midst of a pandemic, employees will have un-equal experiences if working remotely. The culture should promote team values and inclusiveness.
- Ensure you have the right infrastructure for the virtual workplace
While Zoom seems to be the favoured channel for employee communications, it’s important to consider all of the available alternatives to see what works for your situation. Platforms such as ON24 and Remo will allow small group networking and chat to enable team building.
- Communication and Training
Ensure that you schedule adequate communication and training for new starters to enable them to get up to speed with their role. Don’t wait until the pandemic is over. The way we work may have changed forever and businesses may not be reverting to working in the office until well into 2021.
If your business requires support with hiring, speak to the team at Flexi Personnel.