What employees learn about your company from your induction program

What employees learn about your company from your induction program

The first few weeks of an employee’s appointment can have a lasting impact on how they perceive the business. In fact, a study by Wynhurst Group found that employees that went through a structured induction program were 58% more likely to stay with a company in three years’ time. Additionally, HHR states that structured induction…

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Refreshing your personal brand

Refreshing your personal brand

Personal branding is the ongoing process of establishing an image or impression in the mind of others about an individual. Refreshing your personal brand is often a topic that people consider when there is a significant event occurring in their professional life: perhaps they are considering changing job or career. Often the start of the…

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How to have challenging conversations in the workplace

How to have challenging conversations in the workplace

We’ve all been in a situation where we need to have a challenging conversation – whether it be with a direct report or a colleague. Often the more challenging conversations are around an employee’s behaviour such as swearing, speaking rudely to colleagues or clients etc. Having difficult conversations with an employee or encouraging your employees to…

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Developing high potential employees

Developing high potential employees

Developing high potential employees in your business is one of the key strategies that will assist the company in achieving it’s goals. Not only does it help improve employee engagement and retention but it enables your business to challenge high performing employees with growing your business. So what is the recommended strategy for developing your…

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